Ryan and I play together all the time, too, and he does love that, but there’s something different and very special about the way Daddy plays with him. The two of them play like…well, like boys. With Mommy, there are lots of hugs and kisses and naming different objects in the room and rolling balls back and forth. But with Daddy, there are chases and tickle fights and wrestling and knocking each other over and hurling balls directly at each other’s faces. There’s no fear of cracking one’s skull open or busting a lip against a table or breaking one’s nose running into a wall (well, no fear from the two of them – if Mommy is watching, that’s a whole different story). They play like boys. There’s no other way to describe it.
And they are so exactly alike. They giggle at the same things, they have the same grin, the same mannerisms, the same sparkly eyes looking for trouble. They are two peas in a pod.
And I couldn’t love either one of them more if I were twins.
I can see that bond so clearly. It is wonderful. Yes..a mothers love is a bit different as you describe just as deep..but we dont do the wrestling all that well yet. we give it to the boys. I see in all the photos how Ryans eyes light up when he is with Troy! Boys unite! Lots of fun going on over there. Herb is just another Big kid. LOL