We all watched the driver maneuver the lifting frame carefully around the POD, and then lift it off the ground as easily if it were still empty. Then he neatly backed the truck up underneath it, lowered it down, and drove away. See you next month, POD!
8:45-9:15am: The kids were starving by then, so I made them some scrambled eggs and grilled toast (one of their new favorite treats) and let them start school late.
9:15-10am: My daughter is working on a Typing Club assignment and my son is reading about "She Persisted." They're both sprawled out in the middle of our now-empty finished basement. It's not the classroom situation any of us would have imagined a few months ago, but it's working.
10-10:30am: My son watched his usual Shark Conservancy program, but I needed to work on my laptop and Circle Time was pre-recorded today, so my daughter did some reading instead and I'll have her watch Circle Time later.
10:30-11:15am: My son is having trouble with his headphones (the wires are loose), so I gave him a roll of black electrical tape and challenged him to repair them himself. My daughter is working on a Happy Birthday sign for a friend. My son joined in to help after he finished fixing his headphones. It was hilarious listening to their discussion while they worked. They've been going through all their favorite video games and TV shows and discussing their relative merits and well as which characters are their favorites. It's nice listening to them getting along so well (mostly). They were still having fun at 11:00, so I let them keep going. We all need a low-pressure day today.
11:15am-1pm: We took an extra-long lunch break today. Both kids helped their dad do some work around the yard, including watering the plants using the garden hose, which they both love to do.
1-2pm: Thursday is the one day a week that they both have Google Classroom Meetings, and both at 1pm. So I got them launched on those and got to work mending some broken window dividers and a few other small projects on my to-do list. When I'm done with that, I'm going to bake some French bread that we can have with our chili for dinner tonight. And once all that is chugging along, doing its thing, I'm going to take a nap in the sunshine! [Note: Said nap ended up in my actual bed and lasting 2 hours. Sometimes you just need to listen to your body.]
At dinner time, my husband declared that our pool was officially ready for swimming, so the kids spent most of the evening splashing and swimming and jumping into the water like a pair of otters. It reminds me how happy I am that the new house also has a pool.
Summary for today: We did a little schoolwork, we did a little housework, we got a little exercise, some of us got a little nap, nobody killed anybody else. It was another good day in Quarantine Land.
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