No, not really. I have retained veto power, but I am still planning on letting the kids run as amok as possible without losing complete control or endangering life, limb, or property. Let's see what happens...
7-8:30am: Get up, make and eat breakfast, clear breakfast dishes, brush and wash, get dressed. Kids have been informed of today's plan and have begun plotting. Should I be concerned that they are whispering in a corner, occasionally glancing up at me, then rubbing their hands together and chortling evilly?
8:30-9am: Joke-a-Thon. We are allowed to use the internet to search for jokes, as well as joke books, and we're going around in a circle telling each other jokes. A few of our favorites:
What do you use to cook a gator? A croc pot!
Who's there?
Control freak. Now you say, "Control freak who?"
What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop!
What does a zombie vegetarian eat? Graaaaaaiiiiiiins.....
What does a pepper do when it's angry? Gets jalapeno face!
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? A stick.
9-9:30am: P.E. They roped me into playing Twister. I got to be the spinner for the first couple of rounds, but then they made me play. I may never walk upright again.
9:30-10am: Pictionary. We used the whiteboard and just thought of pictures to draw. Some of our subjects: giraffe, The Little Mermaid, rainbow, sand castle, Eiffel Tower, and a DJ. We took a quick snack break at the end.
10-10:45am: Live Streaming. They both wanted to watch their usual 10am live feed, so I worked on preparing for a meeting I had at noon while they watched their streams. My daughter's stream ended early, so she went outside and ran around and got some fresh air until my son was done.
10:45-11:15am: Hide and Seek. There was much hilarity and nothing got broken. And I didn't have to play. Success!
11:45am-1:30pm: Extra-long lunch break and free time.
1:30-2pm: Music and Art. Since Palm Sunday is this Sunday (!!), our church youth choir director sent out a video teaching the kids a song and asking them to record themselves singing it on Flipgrid. So we spent some time practicing, then they each recorded their own track. We also spent some time coloring in and cutting own the palm branches the Christian Education Director mailed us, so we'll have something to wave during church on Palm Sunday!
2-??pm: Break. My daughter is video chatting with some friends; my son is reading a Calvin and Hobbes book, and I am just relaxing. My son has requested baking bread later today. He did so well with yesterday's baking project - which he did completely on his own, only asking me a question or two (he actually banned me from the kitchen so I wouldn't give him any unwanted tips!) - that I'm sure he can bake bread with minimal help from me, too. This may turn out to be the very best thing that comes our of this whole homeschool/isolation thing!
It was nice to have a laid back, relaxing day today. We might need to add this to our schedule every other week as a regular thing. I think we'll all be the better for it.
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