Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Dreaded Plateau: Week 6 Check-In

Welp, I knew it would happen: the dreaded diet plateau. I didn't think it would happen quite this soon, but here it is. 

I can't complain; the first 10 pounds came off unexpectedly quickly and easily. But I thought I'd have another couple of weeks before I stalled out. The scale has been bouncing around 166.5-167.5 all week, with a taunting low of 164.4 (admittedly, after a bout of illness resulting in some degree of dehydration) and a frustrating high of 167.8 (admittedly, after an early Valentine's Day celebration involving a cocktail, wine, and dessert). 

The question most people ask when they hit a plateau is, "Should I do something different? Do I need to cut something else out of my diet to kickstart my weight loss back into gear?" But I decided before I even started changing my habits that I would simply ride out any plateau that I hit. I feel like this eating plan is stringent enough that sticking with it will eventually result in continued weight loss. Could I give up a few more things for a week or two? Sure. I could drink my coffee black all week; I could pass up all alcohol; I could avoid all treats. But that goes against my overall concept of an eating plan that I can live with long-term. I want to be able to enjoy my coffee the way I like it, to have a cocktail or a glass of wine a few times a week, to eat a cookie or a roll with butter or a bowl of creamy coup now and then. I'd rather lose the weight more slowly using a method I can stick with forever than to lose it quickly giving up foods that I love (albeit only temporarily) but then put it back on once I go back to aless stringent long-term eating plan.

So although this period is frustrating, I'm continuing to look at the big picture. I'm eating more healthy, which is great for my blood pressure and my overall health. I've already lost more than 10 pounds, which is great for my joint health, my asthma, and my physical appearance. I've been able to stick to my eating plan, which is great for my self-confidence, determination, and long-term expectations. 

What's the bottom line for my reaction to this plateau? I'm going to make sure that I'm making tradeoffs when I have a treat. I'm going to remind myself that this is not a "quick fix" plan. I'm going to look in the mirror and tell myself that I'm doing great, and looking and feeling better than I did six weeks ago. And I'm going to hang in there and keep to my plan. 

Quote for the Week: Everyone plateaus.
What you do next is what counts.  

-Noah Kagan

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