Monday, February 1, 2021

February 2021 Photo a Day Challenge: Today's Weather

It's been quite a while since I attempted a "Photo a Day" Challenge. But today is the start of a new month, and it seems as good a time as any to jump back in the saddle. Here is this month's list, courtesy of Fat Mum Slim:

Today's subject is "today's weather." With a big winter storm about to roll in this afternoon, I considered waiting until it starts snowing to take my photo. But then I peeked out my window and realized there is already plenty of weather-related beauty out there. For example, this:

Ice can be incredibly beautiful. It sparkles in the sunlight, it drips artistically from the trees and the eaves, it forms fantastical shapes. It can protect and it can destroy. It is both incredibly strong and incredibly fragile. It can break apart rocks but it shatters at a touch. It can kill trees, knock out power lines, and burst pipes. But it also preserves our food, chills our drinks, and heals our pain. 

So while I look forward to the beauty of the snow that will come later in the day, I will also enjoy the beauty of the ice that is already here. But I'll enjoy it from inside my cozy house, with my cup of coffee and my fuzzy slippers.

Today's Weather.

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