Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 19

In honor of Veterans Day, today I am thankful for not only combat veterans but for all the men and women that serve and have served in our country’s armed forces, including my stepdaughter Rosemary (Air Force and Army ROTC) and my brother-in-law Steven (Naval Reserves).

Cadet Philpott with her proud father and grandfather.

I wouldn’t want to run into him in a war, would you? (Not if I were on the opposing side, anyway.)

And I am also thankful for those, like my sister, who keep the home fires burning while their family members are called into action, whether it’s raising children, working to supplement the sometimes meager income of the military, or simply keeping the bills paid and the house maintained alone. Even when the military spouse is home, home can be moved around often, and the family has to pull up their roots and pack up every few years. It’s not an easy life for anyone involved, and I am thankful that there are so many families who are willing to do it.

So to all the military personnel and their families who are reading this, thank you for your service. It is appreciated.

And in keeping with my patriotic theme, three things I am thankful for today are: the right to vote, the right to free speech, and the right to worship God as I see fit.

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1 comment:

  1. God Bless America and those who serve her!
